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social media marketing and importance of website in Kenya

What is social media marketing and why you need it

While there are various marketing avenues, social media marketing is a must have in during the digital age of information.

so what is social media marketing? social media marketing involves creating brand awareness and visibility by creating a communication with your would be potential clients on the social media platforms.

Nearly everyone is in social media, one or another. Facebook alone accounts for Nearly 3 billion users world wide, and approximately 1.7 billion daily users.

With nearly all age groups available under social media platforms, they form one of the greatest place to ensure sales and conversion rates, since you can target every demography that you would like. From people working in the  financial sector, Tech industry, health, business, students, and also age and gender.

What are the benefits of social media marketing channels?

why are social media marketing channels a good option for your small business? they do deliver on ROI and it’s very quick in delivery.

  • Social media increases your brand awareness and online visibility, and offers an event platform for your small business to reach target audience
  • Grows your customer loyalty. with quick response to clients needs via social media platforms the clients are more likely to recommend your organization for quick delivery of service.
  • you can have consistent sales coming through your business through social media channels once you pay for their Ads.
  • Social media is more cost-effective in terms of sales, the advertising cost is way cheaper and offers more ROI and analytics to better your decision making.
  • with social media, its very easy to gather data about your clients and profile them to better tweak your marketing and growth strategy.
  • Allows customer engagement with matters not only related to selling but also building your business through assisting customers with free offers
  • with social media marketing, you get to boost your business SEO ranking and traffic growth

So which are the best social media marketing channels for businesses?

while each platform server their own needs in the market, there are various platforms that each business can take advantage off, and grow it’s authority.

As much as there are various platforms globally, we’ll concentrate more on the ones listed below;

1. Facebook

with over 3 billion users, and close to 2.3 billion users, and 1.7 Billion daily logins, Facebook is certainly the leader of the pack and a must use for any business.  all you need is to set up a Facebook business page for your business.

once your have a business page you may consider how to setup Facebook Advertising for your business.

2. Twitter

with twitter it’s more easier to gain followers and retweets for your business post, and activities. you get to find more and more people engaging with your content and grow your business reach.

Make use of relevant hashtags#, and also check out the trending tags to ensure even a broader audience view of  your products and services.

3. LinkedIn

If you’re in the B2B field, then this platforms offers the best solution for you. it prioritizes building relationships and connection with people of a similar industry or even different industry. The best way to go about LinkedIn is to concentrate on building relationships rather than doing sales pitch.

once you get great connection with fellow decision makers you can pitch to them your idea

4. Instagram

This is photo centered platform where you get to share photos via your social media audience. its works best for events organizing, but also not limited to it, as you can share photos of your daily business activities to bring about the human aspect of your business

5. Pinterest

pinterest is also a photo sharing platform, with this platform your share your quality image and once people view your images you can link them back to your website to ensure that you have conversion.

Steps to a create social media marketing plan

“an idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan” 

warren buffet

social media marketing being great as they are, you can fail if you don’t have a great plan to go about it. the steps below represent the basics to consider in order to remain within your goals.

1. Market Research

before going deep in to social media marketing, you need to undertake a market research. Get to know the industry that your business belongs in, the numbers and which platform will best suit your needs.

2. Competitive Analysis

next up you need to analyze your competitors, how do they post on social media, is it their strength or weakness under your SWOT analysis table.  what can you better do than them on the same platform? this are just the few question you may ask yourselves.

View: Search Engine Optimization Services in Kenya

3. Get your Target Audience

Get to understand whom you’re selling to. what do they lookout for in social media, how will you get to them, do they have the financial might to buy in to your service or products?

4. set goals and objectives

Having a goal to work towards will give your business something to work for. after getting to know your Target audience, then you craft your goals and objectives on how to reach your audience and what will be the Key performers indicators (KPIs), to guide you.

5. Design your strategies to achieve your goals

once you have all the goals and objectives set, you need to create strategies to help you achieve your goals and objectives.

6. Measure and Re-evaluation

Social media marketing channels usually offer analytics tools to help you understand how your message are impacting your users. are they getting engagement, is there conversion and inquiries in to your services?

also tweak your advertising so as to better reach your target audience once you have view your analytics pages.

Read: How to create Facebook marketing strategy for your small business in Kenya

To sum up,there is no better marketing avenue for your business that social media marketing. very few marketing media can rival it and also offer immediate ROI for your business.

If you’re interested in our social media management services, get in touch with us or also if you have any question we did not answer we’d like to hear from you.

A Tech Enthusiast, HubSpot Certified SEO Analyst. Loves Technology and how stuff work.

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