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on page SEO

On-Page SEO Guide for small business websites in Kenya

On Page SEO 

Great SEO experts know that on-page SEO should always be constantly prioritized while working to grow ranks on search engine result pages.

And since the search scope is ever evolving and dynamic, its significant that we make sure your on-page SEO Know-how is on point and up to date.

On this post, we will cover all about on-page SEO mind you, it’s so broad you can literary write a book about it. However, we’ll shorten it to the 10 of the most important on -page SEO Factors for consideration

What is On-Page SEO?

It’s becoming a buzz word nowadays due to the number of times it used in SEO activities.

On-page SEO (also referred to as On-site SEO, or housekeeping) basically refers, to all the activities within your control on your website, that you’ll use in optimizing webpages in order to improve a website search engine ranking and also grow your organic traffic.

Other than publishing great and relevant content, on-page SEO also includes optimization your headlines,

HTML tags (tittle, meta, and header), also your web pages images need to be optimized.

This takes into account every aspect of a web page that when merged together will form an authoritative, trustworthy webpage that will improve the website visibility in the search result pages

Significance of On-page SEO for your small business website

On-page SEO for your small business website is significant since it’s crucial in assisting the search engines to understand the scope of your website and its contents, as well as identify its relevancy to the users search query.

As more and more search engines become more sophisticated, they is a greater focus towards relevance and semantics in search engine result pages (SERPS)

As a result, we should strive to ensure that the content on the website is both SEO optimized for humans users and also readable for the search engines bots.

When you emphasize mor on on-page optimization techniques, you’ll see a boost in traffic and a rise in you search presence.

In this post we’re looking to guide you through the most significant factors of on-page SEO covering the 10 most important areas to improve your rank.


This is the HTML tag (written as <title>title goes here</title>) that is placed at the header part of each website.

It provides an idea to the search engines as to what the topic or page is all about. Its usually featured in the search engine result pages (as clickable links) as well as in the browser window.

It usually has little significance on organic ranking by search engines.  In addition, however, missing, duplicated or poorly done title tags can impact negatively on your SEO thus very important to optimize for it.

Meta Description

Meta description have always been important in SEO. While not a ranking factor, they’ve been known to improve on the click through ratio of website on SERPs.

They provide description of what the page is all about, and often displayed underneath or below the title of the page on website result pages.

see image below which shows the Title tag and beneath it the Meta description

Meta Description Image



Compelling website headlines do enhance website content in performing well on search results.

A good title may look easy to do but having a great headline can make the difference between a click to your site or an impression.

You see, you’d rather have a click than an impression.

Read: 10 Search engine optimization essentials


Header Tags

This are HTML elements (H1- H6) that are used to identify headings and sub-headings within your content from other types of text.

While not important for ranking as initially were before search engine updates, they do play an important role for the users of your website and also SEO. They indirectly impact your ranking by making your content more readable for the user


SEO writing

Simply just producing content is not enough, put it in mind that you’re writing to offer quality and value for the people and not the search engines.

Write content that shows your authority in the industry and relevancy to help offer valuable information to the user of the content.

Keyword stuffing is no longer important and caries penalties from google, make sure to use just enough keywords for the content, to not spam.


Keyword Spamming

Using one keyword ranking for numerous pages is not good as this only server to confuse the search engines on which pages to rank for the same keyword.

It only goes to worsen thing to you, since you’re competing against yourselves.


Content Audit

Always make sure to audit or update your older content with modern day trends relevant to the content. This is great as it helps evaluate the ROI in content developed.

Content audits should be done regularly to keep your content fresh, and also, they can greatly help your SEO strategy.


User Engagement

Aspects such as website loading speed, image optimization and readability of your website content is great to help a user visit your site and continue reading more of your content.

You goal is to reduce bounce rate and also ensure that once on your website the user is engaged.


Optimizing your images

Optimizing your images is on great way to boost SEO.  Adding images to your website is a great way of making them more appealing to the users, and also retain users.

But not all images are well optimized as a result some reduce the loading speed of your website, thus the need to compress all your images.

Always make sure to incorporate images that support your web content and use alt text within the images.


Content Relevancy

Always look to right content that is relevant, authoritative and also trustworthy to your users. Google always rewards relevant content by placing it higher on search result pages.

Always right to offer value to the user and not to just get traffic. Offering value to the user will automatically on the long run bring back organic traffic back to you


Succeeding in organic search today requires various factors to be optimized for, which the search engine consider to important ranking factors.

Looking to improve your SEO? you can always check out our search engine optimization services. we’ll improve your site performance

A Tech Enthusiast, HubSpot Certified SEO Analyst. Loves Technology and how stuff work.

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