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facebook marketing strategy

Facebook Marketing Strategy for Small Business in Kenya

is your audience on Facebook?

before we delve into the details of creating a Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya for your small business, lets know if your organization audience is on Facebook.

and the answer is probably YES!

Did you know that there are about 2.6 billion users of Facebook as of 31st March 2020? and that 1.73 billion people log into Facebook daily?

Nearly 75% of high income earners use Facebook according to Pew Research Center,  and that makes Facebook a great platform for your marketing and advertising.

and that both men and women use Facebook, and you’ll find nearly all age groups in Facebook.

despite Facebook being embroiled in the various scandals affecting its users, research shows that the users still don’t seem to part ways with Facebook, in fact they increased their users.

What does this mean? you’ll find opportunities on the world largest social site  and that it’s not going to change anytime soon. That makes Facebook a must have for your business, and for this reason, the need to have a Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya.

How to set up Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya

now that you understand the metrics behind Facebook and the various opportunities it offers for your small business in  Kenya, lets get the factors to put in place if you’re looking to set up your Facebook Strategy

1. Setting Your Goals

The first step in your plan should be setting goals. what are you looking to achieve with your Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya? do you want to grow your brand awareness, gain leads, increase traffic to your website, or are you looking to push for the purchase of new or existing products?

once you’ve determined your goals, you can tweak your strategy accordingly. so how do you start? you need to set up SMART goals.

Instead of achieving 3000 likes, it should rather be achieving 800 likes in 4 months period. This is a SMART goal since its specific, measurable has the time factor and achievable

2. Understand your audience

with billions of daily users and overall users on Facebook, finding and understanding your key audience may seem something difficult, but guess what? Facebook has made it event simpler to understand who is at Facebook and also how your target audience look like.

Your Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya may be useless if you don’t get the right audience the reason its more important to get the right audience.

Whether you’re looking for young adults, doctors, men, women or gamers, they’re there on Facebook you just need to find them.

Facebook offers demographics such as

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Relationship
  • Education
  • Language
  • Facebook usage
  • past purchasing activity

Once you’ve got your target audience right either on Facebook page insights or on a tool such as Sprout Social Tool

It’s time to understand the target audience characteristics.

Facebook also offers an opportunity to create a custom audience in case you don’t have one, since majority of start up do have a challenge having already defined their audience.

You can use the Facebook Custom Audience Feature where you describe your audience characters

while using your audience, always make sure to refine your audience as much as possible targeting a million people may not guarantee you the biggest such compared to targeting a thousand highly refined targets within your audience.

3. Get your content Mix right

now that you’ve  have your goals up and running and that you also have your target audience in place, you now need to get a plan on how to reach your audience and achieve your goals.

The plan involves getting the right mix of  your content, we recommend the 80% – 20% rule for social media, remember Facebook is first a social media platform, then a business platform.

For this reason 80% of your post should entertain, educate and also inform while 20% should be focused on selling via the platform.

one thing you need to keep in mind while setting up your Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya, is that using Facebook as a platform for business is for building relationship first and self-promoting is not for it.

while you inform, education and entertain your users of Facebook, they’ll get interested with your products and will learn more about them increasing  your chances of conversion.

So how do we post on Facebook

it’s important to ensure you post consistently on Facebook page, ensure that you have enough content to educate your user, so that you can maintain consistency in your post.

You should look to write more blogs that educate the users. This offers the write platform to ensure that your user not only view sales post on your website, but also get to learn more about your product/service industry  and also to entertain you users with your posts

4. Optimize Your Page for Engagement with your Audience

The next step in your Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya,is to make sure that the page is visible online to users.

Tip: work on you Cover Page

you’ll need to grow your business page likes and shares online so as to grow your business visibility. The best way to achieve this is by creating shareable and entertaining content through your blogs on your website.

Read: How to create a Facebook Business Page

5. Embrace other Facebook Tools

Facebook offers other various tools not just the Facebook  page. below are some of the tools offered by Facebook

Facebook Group

Facebook group account for 1.4 billion users monthly. It’s such a huge metric you cant ignore if in business, groups can be of various niche and offers nearly the right platform to get in contact with your audience.


chatbots are the automatic response tools that you get on your Facebook business page. Facebook own research shows that they exchange nearly 20 billion messages with business monthly and user expect the business to answer immediately.

Facebook Business Manager

Facebook offers a one stop shop to manage all your Facebook business page activities, this includes all your organic business post, paid ads and also people managing the Facebook Page.

6. Adopt Facebook Ads and Strategy

you can’t run away from  the need to pay for your brand. Facebook is making it very difficult to get reach via  organic post, further more you’ll relieve numerous notification from Facebook encouraging you to pay  for your Ads.

Facebook algorithm has a preference for Facility and friends post compared to post from businesses. for this reason Facebook needs you to pay for your post reach and its something that we need to embrace as business.

There’s a great reach with paid ads that can get you more likes and more reach to audience that may have never had of your services, the ROI is great with the number of engagement that you get from your users.

Our comprehensive guide to setting up Facebook Advertising is a great way for you to start your Facebook Ads journey

So what Factors should we consider with Ads Contents

in order for the Ads to be effective you need to ensure that you get to your target and convert into sales. below are some the factors to consider for your Ads strategy while setting up your Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya

identity: does it relate to your brand visibility, is contend relevant to you target audience.

reward: how do your target audience benefit from them, is it a product, services a downloadable offer

tone: does you Ad ensure consistency across all you business page in Facebook

one thing to note is to ensure you generate a Facebook Pixel code for your business. This code is generate by Facebook to track your business metrics.

  • track conversions
  • re-market to people who have already visited your website
  • build targeted custom audiences for future ads

7. Measure, Track, and Tweak Your Metrics

once you have every thing set up and your Facebook page is up and running, you need to get to view the performance of your organic and Ads reach.

Facebook offers page insights where you get to view the performance of your post content. with such metrics it gives you the opportunity to track and tweak your strategy for the better.

Facebook offers various tracking metrics including;

  • Likes
  • reach/impression(how many people viewed)
  • Engagement (comments, clicks, shares)

The metrics above are important since they help you to know what to keep and what not to keep. Through a continuous goal setting, measures, and changing your strategy will eventually improve your performance and increase conversion.

with the above steps, you can plot on how to make your Facebook Marketing Strategy in Kenya, more so you can consider our to manage your Facebook business page

A Tech Enthusiast, HubSpot Certified SEO Analyst. Loves Technology and how stuff work.

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