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Call Center in Kenya

The Top 5 Challenges Call Center Managers Encounter in Kenya.

The top 5 difficulties call center managers currently encounter in Kenya.

Modern call centers are highly dynamic and real-time focused, and technology developments are being made to boost productivity and oversight.

As a result, the call center manager’s position is changing from one that emphasizes monitoring and support to one that emphasizes analytics and active participation.

As customers interact via email, call, chat apps, etc., there is also a lot of focus on technology-driven hyper-personalization and meaningful customer experiences.

The issues that call center managers in Kenya confront today are growing as call centers become crucial components of brand experiences and the design of consumer journeys.

We cannot ignore the continued important role played by Contact Center software solutions for business in Kenya.

Why is call center management so difficult?

The fact that Call Center administration in Kenya is a highly complex field is one of the key reasons it is time-consuming and resource intensive. As a result, the call center ecosystem includes a number of manual and automated components that add extra layers of management and monitoring for improved output.

Call center managers in Kenya, will need to concentrate on a number of factors inside the role, from guaranteeing customer pleasure to enhancing retention.

The field is also becoming more and more dependent on business intelligence and data analytics, which offer real-time information for quicker decision-making.

Let’s look at some other reasons why operating call centers in Kenya is tiresome.

  • Dynamic workloads make planning and resource management challenging, which increases pressure and causes staffing shortages, low morale, attrition, and other issues.
  • Infrastructure decentralization results in recurrent client calls, improper information management, a lack of updating, and follow-up problems.
  • Numerous hours of training are needed to handle irate callers due to the repeated nature of making calls and conversing with clients across cities.
  • The emphasis on shorter contact times, more rigid timetables, and KPI conformance puts managers and employees at call centers under additional stress.
  • Lack of access to technology integration may force individuals to solve issues manually, which reduces productivity and increases risk.

Related: Top Benefits of Call Center Software Solutions for Business in Kenya

5 Major Obstacles for Call Center Managers Today

In a customer engagement model that is ever more complicated and dynamic, call center managers must contend with a number of difficulties. The top 5 call center management difficulties are listed below.

  1. Managing the Entire Call Center Automation Process

One of the most significant areas of innovation in the customer center management industry is the automation of workflows and processes. Due to the crucial advantages of digitalization, cybersecurity, and data analytics, about 75% of businesses intend to move call center operations to the cloud.

Contact Center monitoring tools however are assisting in making work easier.

A call center manager’s job is becoming more difficult as a result of the difficulties in implementing or utilizing fully scalable cloud resources.

  1. Increasing Productivity in the Call Center Ecosystem as a Whole

For ongoing results, call center managers in Kenya must prioritize ensuring that personnel can deliver on a regular basis. Managers are increasing the output levels of agents across their operational scope through regular audits, improved training, and improved communication.

Because of this, technology is essential to the modern call center. Agents are empowered at every stage thanks to improvements in efficiency, quicker data access, cybersecurity safeguards, and process-based procedures.

Additionally, given that productivity is a major issue, solutions like AI and call center management software can improve employee production while reducing total channel costs.

Related: Guide to Outbound Call Center Software Solutions in Kenya

Increasing quality of customer satisfaction and engagement

Organizations consider client satisfaction as a crucial metric for their customer service centers.

In fact, because of the increased focus on experience design, the proportion of service leaders who place a high priority on cost reduction is expected to decline by 32% in the upcoming years.

Managers must make sure that customers receive the best possible engagement experience via email, call, video, and chat, while also preserving the human element in each encounter.

Every call center must make the switch from a functional to a relationship-focused approach if they want to increase sales and client happiness.

  1. Increasing Employee Satisfaction and Decrease Attrition

Due to the nature of the position and the inherent complexity, even the most renowned companies in the customer contact center industry may see employee turnover rates of over 20%. As a result, managers within the domain focus heavily on attrition, addressing it through digitalization, training, and other crucial interventions.

Retention is greatly influenced by employee happiness, with engaged call center staff being 8.5 times more likely to stick with their company. Agents must be in line with the enterprise’s overarching culture, vision, and mission while having access to the necessary tools for open communication, according to managers.

  1. Optimizing the Remote Employee Network via Cloud

By implementing remote technology, improving data access, and digitizing processes, nearly 77% of service businesses are adopting or advancing their work from home policies. Teams can access the centralized call center suite securely, but managers are still responsible for uptime, availability, scheduling, and other operational details.

Aligning all teams, assets, and resources inside the remote network is a major problem for managers in the call center industry. The complexity of the day-to-day operational difficulties is increased by the use of numerous tools, chat apps, document sharing websites, and internal communication formats. The solution to this enterprise issue is a properly centralized cloud call center software.


To maintain optimal performance across domains, call center managers must pay close attention to a variety of KPIs and strategic initiatives. Managers face numerous technology and talent-related difficulties on a daily basis, from data analytics to intelligent case management. Call center managers must also align teams using a centralized call center management software in order to provide clients with a really simplified and interesting experience.

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